A lot of people come to us asking what to do after discovering property damage. Should they be reporting it to the insurer? Should they authorize repairs? If the property is compromised i.e., exposed to the elements, what should they do?

Discovering property damage can be a distressing experience, whether it’s the aftermath of a storm, a fire, or a burst pipe. While the immediate concern is addressing the damage itself, it’s essential to remember that a smooth insurance claim process starts right from the moment you discover the issue.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the crucial steps to take immediately after discovering property damage in order to ensure a hassle-free insurance claim process. Additionally, we’ll discuss the valuable role that public adjusters, like JF Public Adjusters, can play in simplifying the claims process and alleviating the associated stress.

Step 1: Ensure Safety

Your safety and the safety of your family should be the foremost concern. If the damage has created hazardous conditions, such as exposed wires, structural instability, or flooding, evacuate the affected area and call emergency services if necessary. Ensure that everyone is safe before proceeding.

Step 2: Document the Damage

As soon as it’s safe to do so, document the damage thoroughly. Use your smartphone or camera to take clear photos and videos from different angles. This visual evidence will be invaluable when filing your insurance claim. Don’t forget to document any emergency repairs you make to prevent further damage, such as covering a leaky roof with a tarp.

Step 3: Contact Your Insurance Company

Report the damage to your insurance company as soon as possible. Be prepared to provide them with the essential details, including the date of the incident, a description of what occurred, and the extent of the damage. Remember to note down the claim number for reference.

Step 4: Prevent Further Damage

Take steps to prevent further damage. For example, if you have a leaking roof, place buckets to collect water and cover any exposed areas with tarps. Addressing immediate concerns can help mitigate the overall damage.

Step 5: Review Your Insurance Policy

Take the time to review your insurance policy. Understanding your coverage, deductibles, and any limitations is crucial. This will help you have a clear picture of what to expect from your insurance company and what responsibilities you have as the policyholder.

Step 6: Be Cautious with Repairs

While you might be eager to start repairs, it’s crucial to consult with your insurance company first. They may have specific procedures for approving and coordinating repairs. Avoid making permanent fixes until your insurer has assessed the damage, as they might need to inspect it before authorizing repairs.

The Role of Public Adjusters

Navigating the aftermath of property damage and the subsequent insurance claim can be overwhelming, and that’s where public adjusters like JF Public Adjusters come in. We specialize in making the claims process as smooth as possible:

Expert Documentation: Public adjusters are experts at compiling the necessary documentation for your claim. We understand what your insurance company needs, sparing you the headache of trying to remember all the required paperwork.

Accurate Assessment: We can accurately assess the extent of the damage and the cost of repairs. This ensures that your claim reflects the true value of the damage, helping you receive a fair settlement. We also save you the hassle of obtaining quotes from multiple contractors when you aren’t even in the position to evaluate whether they are suitable. Our expertise ensures that repair estimates are comprehensive and in line with industry standards, sparing you the stress of managing these details yourself.

Negotiation: If your insurance claim is disputed or you receive an offer that doesn’t adequately cover your losses, a public adjuster will negotiate on your behalf. Our experience in dealing with insurance companies can make a significant difference in the outcome of your claim.

Balancing Speed and Fairness: We understand that you want a swift resolution, but not at the expense of a fair settlement. Public adjusters work to achieve both objectives, ensuring you don’t settle for less than you deserve.

What to Do After Discovering Property Damage for a Smooth Insurance Claim Process

Experiencing property damage is undoubtedly stressful, but knowing the right steps to take can help ease the burden. Documenting the damage, contacting your insurance company promptly, and taking precautions against further harm are essential initial actions. However, for a truly seamless insurance claim process, consider enlisting the expertise of a public adjuster like JF Public Adjusters. We specialize in handling the complexities of insurance claims, making the process easier for you during a challenging time. Remember, you don’t have to navigate this journey alone; help is available to ensure you receive the compensation you’re entitled to.

If your property experiences damage from a covered event, such as a fire or broken pipes, or roof issues caused by a windstorm or tornado, please reach out to us. We’d be delighted to have a conversation about how we can assist you.

Our mission is to guide policyholders through the process of managing their water damage insurance claims, ensuring they secure the most favorable settlement. Our aim is to swiftly and efficiently restore your home to its pre-loss condition.

Uncertain about whether your insurance will provide coverage for the damage? We encourage you to get in touch with us regardless. JF Public Adjusters offers a complimentary review of your claim and a consultation. You can reach us via phone or text at (917) 272-8793.

Contact Us

JF Public Adjusters offers a complimentary review of your claim and a consultation.

You can reach us via phone or text at (917) 272-8793.

Published On: September 12th, 2023 / Categories: Insurance Claim Tips /

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The Leading Property Damage Experts Are Here To Help


  • We take full responsibility for your claim from start to finish.
  • We have years of industry experience.
  • Your can trust us with all details and negotiations.
  • We respond to your/your insurace company’s requests in a timely manner.

  • We ensure that you receive the maximum settlement you’re eligible for.
  • We only charge a small portion of whatever we recover for you.


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