When a hurricane strikes, the aftermath can be devastating and dangerous, leaving homes flooded and families displaced. Dealing with flood is a stressful and heart-wrenching experience which must be dealt with promptly to minimize damage. In the midst of chaos, it’s crucial to have a plan in place for two reasons – to ensure your safety and to minimize damage to your property. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to take when your home is flooded by a hurricane, including navigating the insurance claim process. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. If you need assistance with your flood insurance claim, don’t hesitate to reach out to JF Public Adjusters for expert guidance and support.

Blog-What to Do If Your Home is Flooded by a Hurricane


Here is what to do if your home floods during a hurricane:

The safety of you and your loved ones is the top priority in any emergency situation. If your home is flooded, evacuate immediately and seek higher ground. Avoid walking or driving through floodwaters, as they may be contaminated or hiding dangerous debris. If you encounter downed power lines, stay away and contact emergency services. Once you’re in a safe location, assess your surroundings and proceed with caution.

As soon as it’s safe to do so, document the damage to your property by taking photos and videos. Capture detailed images of the floodwater levels, structural damage, and any personal belongings that have been affected. This documentation will be crucial when filing an insurance claim and can help support your case for compensation. Be thorough in your documentation, as it will serve as evidence during the claims process.

If you have flood insurance, contact your insurance provider as soon as possible to report the damage to your home. Be prepared to provide detailed information about the extent of the damage and any documentation you’ve gathered.
While waiting for assistance from your insurance provider, take steps to mitigate further damage to your property. This may include removing water and debris from your home, drying out affected areas, and securing vulnerable areas to prevent further water intrusion. Keep records of any expenses you incur during the mitigation process, as these may be reimbursable through your insurance policy. We recommend hiring a reputable mitigation company to ensure thorough water removal and cleanup.
Navigating the insurance claims process can be complex and overwhelming, especially in the aftermath of a natural disaster. That’s where JF Public Adjusters comes in. Our team of experienced professionals specializes in helping homeowners like you navigate the complexities of flood insurance claims. From filing the initial claim to preparing repair estimates to negotiating with your insurance provider, we’ll be by your side every step of the way. If you need alternative accommodation due to your home becoming uninhabitable, we can also assist you in this regard. Additionally, one of the most overlooked aspects of flood damage is the damage to personal property. When you work with JF Public Adjusters, we give you the option of working with a contents specialist to ensure that damage to your personal property is thoroughly documented.


Dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane-induced flood can be overwhelming, but with the right plan in place, you can take control of the situation and begin the process of rebuilding. By ensuring your safety, documenting the damage, contacting your insurance provider, mitigating further damage, and working with JF Public Adjusters, you can navigate the insurance claims process with confidence. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Don’t let the stress of a flood insurance claim weigh you down. Contact JF Public Adjusters today at (917) 272-8793 or visit our website at jfpublicadjusters.com to learn more about how we can help you get the compensation you deserve.
Published On: May 14th, 2024 / Categories: Damage Types, Water Damage /

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